I had big plans to go hiking today but with the combination of huge buckets of rain falling from the sky, and last night's craziness I ended up sleeping until late this afternoon. I was pretty bored when I woke up so I took a stroll around the blocks due West of my building. Turns out there's a decent looking Japanese sushi place, a movie theater(that plays English movies!!), and an indoor rock climbing gym. I rushed home, grabbed some gym clothes, and spent the next two hours taking a climbing lesson. The lesson was in Korean but with my broken Hangul, my instructor's broken English, and an impressive amount of miming the lesson went surprisingly smoothly.
On the way back to my apartment I literally stopped to smell some yellow roses that were being sold at a little shop near my apartment. I ended up buying twelve yellow roses for three dollars Canadian. My apartment smells so sweet now.
In other completely unrelated news-the music from a nearby bar floats up to my room every night. Usually I hear classic rock tunes, but for some odd reason every night at nine the piano bar plays a Rita McNeil and Men of the Deeps Song, and the entire bar sings along! I have no idea how an awkward song about the 92 Springhill mining collapse could become such a breakaway hit in the Asian Pacific.
Rita McNeil is big in Korea. Insert joke.
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