Many South Koreans have been raised on a diet of Taekwondo. Lessons often begin at the age of five and people study this martial art throughout their lives. It's the national sport of Korea and it makes Koreans so tough that I'm quite sure that there are six-year-old girls in my grade one class who could effectively kick my ass.
This is why the fight I witnessed just five minutes ago looked like a deleted scene from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. There's a bar outside of my building(one that plays a ridiculous amount of Rita McNeil) and I walk past it every time I go to the nearest seven eleven. On my way back from buying a bottle of water I watched as two men, surrounded by other shouting men, argued back and forth. One men screamed and spit on the other(considerably larger) man and the whole scene erupted into one giant mass of flying leaps, kicks, and karate chops.
I'm now officially taking my camera with me everytime I walk to the seven eleven.
hahaha incredible.